All numbers will be based on a 300 point scoring system. Each judge may award up to 100 points per number.
Their judging sheet is broken up into the following categories:
Costume/appearance: 10%
- Age Appropriate: 10%
- Showmanship: 10%
- Creativity: 10%
- Precision/Musicality: 10%
- Formations/Staging: 10%
- Choreography: 10%
- Technical Difficulty: 10%
- Technical Execution: 10%
- Overall Presentation: 10%​​
Each performance will receive an adjudicated award based on the following scale:
High Platinum: 285-300
Platinum: 270-284
High Gold: 255-269
Gold: 225-254
Silver: 200-224
Bronze: 150-199
High Platinum: 280-300
Platinum: 265-279
High Gold: 245-264
Gold: 215-244
Silver: 190-214
Bronze: 150-189
There may be multiple platinum, gold, silver or bronze awards in each category.
Over time limit: 10 points
Prop rule violations: 10 points
Costumes, songs, or dances that are not age appropriate: 10 points
Other rule infractions as seen by Team Dance director: 5 – 25 points
Team Dance awards 1st-10th place to all major category divisions broken down in the following order:
- Elite Star, Star and Debut Dancers
- Age Category
- Group Size
- Style of Dance
If there are not more than thirteen groups in a category with some studio variation, Team Dance will stop the breakdown in the most logical place to create competitive categories. Debut category will always retain their own top ten categories but Star and Elite Star may be combined if there are not enough entries in each category. If a category has less than 13 dances, the category will be awarded placements for half of the entries. For example, if there are 8 entries, Team Dance will award a top 4 for the category. If there is an odd number, Team Dance will round down. For example, if there are seven in the category, Team Dance will award a top 3 for that category. Team Dance reserves the right to offer more placements when deemed appropriate by the judges and management, but they will not offer less than stated above. The top ten breakdown will be posted on the Event page prior to every event. Questions to the category breakdown decisions should be brought to the attention of Team Dance Management before the event and before any relevant award ceremonies.
All eligible Top Ten division 1st place winners in the Star and Combined Star/Elite Category will receive $50 cash prize.
All eligible Top Ten division 1st place winners in the Elite Star Category will receive a $100 cash prize
Soloists competing may now enter to be a title soloist at Team Dance Competition beginning in the 2024 season. Only solos entered in the Elite Star category are eligible to compete for title. The additional fee to compete is $25. This registration must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Soloists will be grouped with the other title contenders where they will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their dance onstage for our judges. All title competitors in the same age category will then perform their routines for the judges. One solo from each age group will be chosen as the TD Title Soloist and will receive a special award. Runners up will also be announced dependent on the amount of routines competing. If there are 4 entries a 1st runner up will be announced and awarded. If there are 5 or more, a 2nd runner up will be announced and awarded. Title competitors must perform their solo during the scheduled title section so no schedule requests will be possible. These categories will frequently be held on the Friday of competition.
The following special awards will be awarded throughout the competition. Only group routines will be considered for these awards.
T - Transcendent Technique - given to a group routine showing superior basic and/or advance technique for their age
E - Expert Entertainers - given to a group routine showing excellence in performance, facial expression, energy and creativity.
A - Amazing Artistry - given to a group routine that shows exceptional artistry in the form of costuming, props, creative theme or other eye catching elements that catch our judges.
M - Marvelous Masterpiece - given to our group with excellent choreography in any style of dance
Judges may also provide individual awards for groups they choose to recognize for extraordinary accomplishments.
T.E.A.M Awards​
Routines entered in our Group and Showstopper category will be eligible for our overall TEAM Dance award. This is to award the routine that envelops all of the four categories listed above. This routine is determined by the judges choice and not by scores. The winner will receive a banner and a $100 cash prize.
Studios who received at least 50% platinum awards will be awarded the title Platinum Studio and receive a banner to display at their studio. The studio with the highest percentage of Platinum awards will win the Overall Platinum Studio. Only numbers in the Star and Elite Star category will be counted. A studio must have more than 15 numbers in the Star or Elite Star category to be eligible and only 5 of those can be solos. Routines must be registered together on the same registration account under one studio name to be considered for this award. The Overall Platinum award winner will receive a banner and a $100 cash prize. If there is a tie, Team Dance will calculate the percentage of High Platinums to determine a winner.